which you can't con incident to sex if you're drugged and you can't, you're not conscious. so if this is his modus operandi, he can't say, this is this one time, one single time this happened. the prosecution will likely be able to bring in victim after victim after victim to this is his propensity. this is how he acts and how he obtains his victims. leland: and a lawyer for some of his alleged victims said it was like christmas for him to be charged with these crimes. esther, david, appreciate y'all's insights. obviously the new year will bring more information in the case and bring you back to talk about it. >> happy new year. >> thank you. leland: all the best. abby? abby: "happening now" is coming up shortly. gregg jarrett is there. what's cooking? >> we'll have new details on the massive flooding on several major midwestern rivers as the death toll hits 20. new years eve preps, celebrations from all over the world and headlines from the