seriously. bernie sanders is talking about the fact that he could take iowa and new hampshire. would you have predicted that? he's saying, quote, one of the greatest political upsets in the history of america. he would take these two states and they are sure he can do it. can he? >> tell with, i think he possibly can. bernie sanders, his comments, we need to pause and think about. he's absolutely right. he's got voters who like trump voters are alienated, they are against the political clad, not just against the financial situation. he has them bothered. the democratic party is as rigged as the republican party would like to be. and if he gets off, as i said before, on the difference on their position on the war issue, of whether too much intervention, the iranian issue is coming up again, she is stuck with that and he is partly. but he can break away. and the other point i want to