you have. secretary clinton has said that the big banks didn't cause the big crash. well, in fact, actually they did. secretary clinton has taken money hand over fist for speaking fees, for campaign donations, for contributions to the family foundation, and she's the only one of the three of us who isn't calling for the reinstitution of a modern day glass steegle, to break up the banks, to separate the speculative behavior. she talks about her wall street plan. it was greeted as a joke. bloomberg news said it lets the big banks off the hook and politico said it was greeted by wall street with a shrug. hillary clinton is the favorite candidate of wall street. and i believe the people of the united states of america deserve to have a president who is on their side, who has the backbone to take on wall street. that's what i can do as president. >> governor, very interesting debate. we thank you for making time for us tonight. see you on the trail.

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