well. trump ground game is interesting. he's been pulling in political newcomers who have never caucused before, much less done the nitty-gritty campaigning work before and he's trying to pull those people in. i'm not sure whether that will work. will it bring a whole new crowd of people to the caucuses? or will they be inexperienced and cause some sorts of collapse on caucus night? otherwise you've got other candidates who have strong ground games. ben carson has a very strong ground game. he has 130,000 iowa names in his daytona beach. he had 30,000 hard i.d.s, people who say they're very hard committed to caucusing for ben carson. we'll see if that stands, as for the mainstream candidates, i'd have to say jeff bush and chris christie have the strongest ground games, rubio playing catch-up. >> let's talk about new hampshire with james, the real clear politics average james has trump in a big lead right now in new hampshire. over rubio, christie and cruz