>> well, first the president goes out yesterday to the pentagon with all his -- all his -- with the secretary of defense, with the vice president, with his cia director and just comes out and says, everybody, the fight against isis is going great. 9,000 airstrikes. we've had more bombings this month than ever before. he's neglecting the fact that it took him a year and a half even to bomb the oil. he's neglecting the fact that every day isis is in power they gain an enormous amount of strength. he's neglecting the fact that there was a bombing in paris, bombing in san bernardino. there was a stabbing in london. all from isis. because they have their headquarters in syria. >> well, it's great that we're hitting the tanker trucks and the oil wells and refineries. >> now. >> finally. but it does seem like the president of the united states is still trying to convince us that we are winning this global war on jihad. even though he doesn't want to call it razz cal islam or anything else. but it certainly doesn't feel like it to the american people, when you have these attacks like out in san bernardino, or the bataclan in paris. >> and then you wonder how these people got here and then you go