immigration into the u.s. should be stopped until we can properly vet them or until the war is isis is over. joining us now to explain, the man himself, the rev reerend franklin graham who brought his operation christmas child shoeboxes. you gave out 25 million of these. >> this year we'll have a little over 11 million this year. we go to 110 different countries. you've been with me. you and your wife and family. >> by the way, it was very -- it was an amazing experience because this is filled -- look at this one. you make it for a boy or a girl. >> yes. >> this is obviously for a boy. it's got cars. let me see if this airplane really works. >> i'm not sure it does. >> it actually does. crash landing. it has cars and toothbrushes and slinkies and i can see in there and crayons and you give these boxes, age appropriate. >> yes. >> you see the look on their face. and we're spoiled. this box to them is like a huge christmas for them.