create the terror, which they don't have an incredibly high body count compared to paris, compared to 9/11, but it strikes fear into people and that's what makes it effective. and in that way, guns were really secondary in this story. >> i don't like that argument. >> i'm so sick of this el fast in the room. it's called muslims. it's call islam. it's called the koran. the koran clearly states, smite thee above their necks. they can say it was the food, his beard, a christmas thing. you talked about a prius in your opening monologue. they got in their car and filled it with explosives and drove it into the glasgow airport. i think america is so petrified of being racist, and then rightfully so, they don't want to go backwards, but they're so islamaphobicphobic, that they end up taking in a backwards culture because they prefer it