[ buzzer ] >> what country? i will give you a hint, it was in europe. >> i don't know. >> british or something? >> yeah. >> where in like europe. >> you got it. >> yeah, i got this. >> so cute. >> sweet. >> how did the first thanksgiving go down. >> i don't even know. >> and you live in plymouth? >> i know. >> great story. >> they got here on cape cod at some time and then thanksgiving popped out. >> it's a girl. >> the native americans they helped out the pilgrims and the pilgrims wanted to thank them so they all sat down and had had a dinner. >> come on. >> i like it. >> is indian an offensive term. >> i think it is. >> what did they dine on in the first thanksgiving. >> the best i know they dined on venison and corn. >> mom can we get some meat loaf. >> chips something like that. >> mashed potatoes, yeah. >> mashed potatoes? >> i don't think they had turkey mainly vegetables. >> the pilgrims were