mode right away, as though he was breaking down a procedural move harry reid might use to thwart a ted cruz filibuster. >> on a 1-0 count, you want to steal on a breaking ball 'cause it's slower. and does he like you to throw a breaking ball? no. so he's unlikely to try to steal right now. strike one. now he might go for a breaking ball. >> turns out, nine innings with charles krauthammer is not just a day at the park. it's essentially grad school for baseball. >> okay, this is unfortunate matchup. the only reason solano is in there -- he's the backup catcher who doesn't hit very well. >> get through. come on. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. awww. >> he's a catcher. he can't run. >> from time to time, charles writes about baseball, typically in a way that transcends the sport. take his column about rick ankiel, a 21-year-old