what do you think? >> he's doing better with the donor base. he's doing bet anywhere new hampshire in iowa he's way behind. and cruz is way up. cruz has put in a lot of work there. he's gotten some endorsements, he's visiting a lot of counties. it's a very socially conservative, veryreligious state. trump has insulted iowans a few times. i don't know if trump likes the iowa voters as much as he likes the south carolina and new hampshire voters. huckabee won iowa, santorum won iowa. >> hang on, jesse, we've got breaking news, i want toe toss to shepard smith on the fox desk. >> chicago's mayor and police department holding a news conference, will release video showing a white police officer shooting and killing a black teenag teenager. today prosecutors announce they have charged that officer with murder in the first degree, the first chicago police officer charged in such a way in 35