demanded money and then shot him in the stomach. the shooter then tried to shoot gold a second time but his gun jammed and he fled the scene. the "on the record" legal panel is here, former homicide detective and criminal defense attorney ted williams and former prosecutor katie phang. katie, first to you. that guy is in big trouble tonight. but what a great -- i that medical student to be my doctor. >> yeah. you know, good samaritan, we always want people to be able to step in and obviously was incredibly dangerous for him. as luck would have it, the gun jammed as he was going to be shot in the head twice by the suspect. the police have indicated that he has given a full confession and actually his 17-year-old girlfriend was arrested as well for being an accessory after the fact. so with the full confession in hand the prosecutors in this case should be able to launch him and launch him appropriately and he should do some serious prison time. >> accessory to the fact, district of columbia half the offense whereas aider