national security agenda, a specific plan, because over the next few week is expect national security to get a ten-point advantage over economic security in terms of what voters want to hear about. >> wow. ten-point advantage. >> it's significant. >> frank, just me but you might have a future that this political analysis. you should stick with it. >> 79% of all statistics are made up on the spot, so i figure maybe i do have a future in this. >> frank, thank you very much. we told you already how a lot of democrats are not keen on this pfizer allergan deal. the biggest of the year. bashing it, like hillary clinton and bernie sanders and now, by the way, the white house, what are they bashing? the fact that they want to getñd together and pay less in taxes and they can do that abroad or the fact that taxes are so high here, they wouldn't be leaving if they weren't. jeb bush: leadership means you've got to be all in.