going to let the arrogance of being able to answer the questions that are being cozied by federal law enforcement officers to get in the way of you telling the truth, then you need to answer the question hes that are posed to you. >> as a defense attorney, i tell my client one thing when a federal agent is talking to them shut up. don't say nothing bas anything you use can used against you. >> or misinterpreted and used against9ñ you. >> absolutely. >> the two defense lawyers are jumping all over this. >> that's okay. bring it on. >> all right ted and katie, thank you both. a pastor's pregnant wife burden in derderian and the killer's is on the loose. a live report is next. with the aarp auto insurance program from the hartford. i had done a lot of comparison shopping. the rate was like half of what i was paying. [ female announcer ] $420 is the average amount