parameters that are vital for our country. if you say you'll ring up the debt by 11 or $12 trillion, you're not for that. but that's what some of these plans propose, sean. i'm just telling you that's what happens to the debt. go analyze them. >> i actually believe if you eliminate baseline budgeting -- carly said that. you cut a penny out of every dollar, on the spending side. i don't think there's any limit to the amount of money that we can grow the economy with energy and becoming the corporate tax haven of the world. i don't even know if anybody can calculate the economic growth benefits of those things. >> sean, we do dynamic scoring in our plan. we know it's going to cause economic growth. our economic growth estimates would take us just shy of 4%. but you can't have a tax cut plan that takes you to 10 or $11 trillion more in the hole. so don't misunderstand what i'm saying to you. i will tell you this next fall when these plans get carefuled

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Country ,Sean ,Plans ,Debt ,Some ,Parameters ,2 Trillion ,12 Trillion ,11 ,Money ,Amount ,Penny ,Baseline Budgeting ,Spending Side ,Dollar ,Limit ,Carly Fiorina ,World ,Growth ,Things ,Plan ,Energy ,Economy ,Tax Haven ,Anybody ,Scoring ,Benefits ,Tax Cut Plan ,Estimates ,So Don T ,Whole ,11 Trillion ,4 ,1 Trillion ,10 ,

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