its true test to commitment to peace and security. >> the defense secretary also indicated the u.s. has been shifting its focus toward the asia pacific, in part by sending our best ships, weapons, and equipment to that region. arthel? >> garrett, thanks very much. well, almost everybody you know has a cell phone now, and those videos are common and widespre widespread. it's the hope one can solve a case in texas where a girl was run over in a car in houston caught on cell phone video. i want to warn you, of course, that the video is clearly disturbing. the 14-year-old's girl's mother is determined to work with police to track down whoever almost killed her daughter. will carr is live with the details on this from our bureau. hello, will. >> hey there, eric. well, this is a felony hit-and-run, quite terrifying video, and you said it. we want to repeat here that this

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