scrutinizing that with the same level of intensity as dr. ben carson. i think there needs to be fair vetting of all candidates. >> that's certainly true with the current president. isn't that part of the point. republicans have made what i think is a valid case that barack obama was never really vetted by the press in the way that most candidates are and that the results have been bad for america. so isn't it in the interest of everybody, all citizens, everybody running for president gets a forensic rundown from the media? it's the whole point of having a media? >> exactly. with the latest benghazi hearings, hillary clinton was caught red handed lying to the american people. there was hard evidence presented in the e-mails that she sent to her daughter and to the prime minister of egypt saying that the attack on our consulate that killed four men, including our ambassador was not caused by a video, it was done by terrorists. yet the media gave her a pass. when it comes to vetting the honesty of candidates, shouldn't they hold hillary clinton