campaigns will now ask for a process where they get to negotiate with the sponsors themselves as the campaigns. and the campaigns will send a request for information to all future sponsors of debates. >> right. >> and then the campaigns will be able to decide whether they're going to participate in those debates on the basis of the answers. >> truly that is a complete change of plans. i mean, what you're saying is that the republican national committee, the rnc, is out. >> no, not at all. i mean, the campaigns still want to partner with the rnc. the rnc will be running -- the campaigns have asked that the rnc run the logistical side, the ticketing, the credentialing, spin rooms, green rooms, filing centers, essential parts of the campaign. so the campaigns expressed the desire to continue in that partnership that way. >> well, but you have to add manity that it's totally different than how it has