they should women up before they even man up. harris: i like that. >> and could not front her. i wouldn't go on that show. what kind of -- harris: that is my question. why would you -- >> no one watches it to begin with. my mother won't watch it. my wife won't watch it. my younger daughter won't watch it. they don't watch the show. why would you gone on it? andrea: carly fiorina refuses to play the victim. said about the republican debates. i will debate anybody. her campaign didn't show up at meeting. she is not afraid of women of "the view." i can't wait to see how she handles them. sandra: attack on her personal looks because they didn't side with her views on issues. i kind of disagree with carly there. i don't think these people attacking her or anybody attack her looks probably don't know the issues. they don't know where she stands on the economy or taxes. maybe some personal views or issues they understand. then they decide to attack her