candidates, filled with loud reporters, a very rapid and vain political process we're in now. he does strike me as a charlie rose candidate in a charlie brown world. >> you were very close to his brother. is jeb not cut from the same cloth when it comes to campaigning? >> i think what ron side true in terms of somebody seems and senator rubio said this in the debate. someone seems to have advised jeb that the right way to respond to fallen poll numbers is to attack marco rubio, and you can see when he does it that he's not comfortable doing it. it seems very out of character, and that i hope you're right. i hope that, in fact, he stops it because it's not good for him. it's not good for the party, and it's not good for the future of the republican party. >> rubio addressed that on friday night. let's listen to what he said. >> it's part of a strategic decision they've made and they have the right to make it and i