martha: boy, this was a dramatic rescue in louisiana. 20 elementary school students were stranded on a flooded bridge. the bus driver was apparently trying to get through the water when the engine stalled. luckily the driver was able to run to nearby house to call for help. a police pickup truck came to the rescue. look at this scene. witnesses say the bus driver should not have been on that road in the first place. >> i couldn't believe it because no one has ever tried to drive through that water, especially not a school bus with kids on it, not as long as i have lived there. martha: crazy, right? we always hear, do not drive through the high water. thankfully this time, nobody was hurt. bill: the cost for the standard obamacare plan is going higher. this according to new data from the department of health and human services. the price for so-called silver plan, which is the policy most have, expected to jump an