then you die at the drive-through? you pick up a value meal and die? these are things that terrify a teenager and you carry it with you. >> the fact is, those are kind of all like accidents. that's the scariest thing for me. the scary nest thing is she saw final destination 3 in high school. i was 50 when that came out. kat, you seem like you'd be a great horror movie victim. i just see you being one of the first kills. i hope nothing happens to you this week, by the way. that would be terrible timing. >> very good confidence. you know, i have a problem with being too optimistic so i really appreciate you lifting my confidence. >> yes. >> thank you. >> do you have a favorite movie? >> horror movie? >> yes. that's the topic! >> "sex in the city". >> oh, interesting. why? >> because when i see them talking i can't help but think, what would i do if i was in that conversation having listened to it? and i would die. i would be so annoyed i would die. and i'm too young to die, greg. >> you are too young. liberal panel, i bet your favorite horror movie is another term of obama.