was his decision so much as everybody else, all these democrats. and the clintons. >> yes. >> you know, how early do you have to jump into this race? it's too late? it's over a year! >> i know. i could still get into the race, jedediah. what do they have on him? is it just actually stuff he's said that we already know about? >> it's just clips we've all played on television. they'll just be played, the wheelchair one. there's tons. >> the wheelchair. >> that being said, he's such a loveable guy. >> really? >> no, look, i've got a soft spot for the biden. i do. >> he would find it. >> he would, yes. he's the kind of guy you want to have a beer with. you feel a lot of empathy for what he's been through. >> i don't think he drinks. >> i had a beer with gavin mcguinness. >> i think gavin should run, are you kidding me? >> i don't even want to be near gavin mcginnis.