cardish than iowa voters are. they want to get to know candidates personally. pretty much until you've sat in their living room and chatted them up, they're going to hold their fire. they're going to wait to see who they want to support. so i think that's helpful for sanders. that said, new hampshire voters are also sometimes outside of how more of the broader primary base is voting. so the fact that sanders is doing well in new hampshire doesn't necessarily means he'll also do well in important states like iowa, florida and south carolina. doesn't necessarily translate. >> well, i want to go back to south carolina now. we're going to go to the gop side in south carolina. jeb bush's 6% is neck and neck with rubio's 7%. as you know, jeb is meeting today and tomorrow with his father and his brother about campaign financing and stuff like that. what advice might or should they give jeb on messaging and how to gain traction? >> you know, i would expect them to tell him to kind of get back