it was not connected to the video. it was preplanned. our ongoing reporting at fox news showed that on december 17th, just six days after the attack, there was no demonstrations we took a lot of heat here for that position in our reporting but we were proven to be correct. >> frankly i don't mean to be disrespectful. silly to say it was a video. it never made any sense at all at least to me protesters bring black cards, they don't bring rpgs. >> one thing still not clear is why there was so much jeopardy for the administration to simply say we is have americans who take risks and sometimes the risks go against them. that was really the downside. >> president obama on september 20th, nine days later on univision was still saying the business about the video. anyway and even secretary clinton tonight is saying that the video had some big picture impact. catherine, thank you. >> you are welcome. and today's marathon testimony still underway. more from inside that hearing next. plaque psoriasis...