figure that out. >> madame secretary, before we broke there was a question asked that i thought was fair question which is why was i talking about mr. bloomingthal's e-mails. i think it's fair question. i think it's equally fair to ask why you were reading mr. bloomingthal's e-mails? i think both are fair. i want to go to june of 2012 which is an interesting time period to look at. charlene lamb was an employee of the state department. it's tab 56. i'm not going to read it. it's tab 56 where she described benghazi as a soft target. attacked on americans not staffed adequately. it's a very haunting e-mail to ee months to the day when our four fellow citizens were killed. that's on june 7th, 2012.

Related Keywords

Question ,E Mails ,Mr ,Sydney Bloomingthal ,Madame Secretary ,Both ,Reading ,June Of 2012 ,2012 ,State Department ,Tab ,Employee ,Charlene Lamb ,56 ,Benghazi ,Dated December 15th ,Us ,Target ,June 7th ,Citizens ,7 ,June 7th 2012 ,Four ,

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