november the 2nd. >> how about that? >> all right. >> meanwhile, six minutes before the top of the hour, what questions would you ask hillary clinton or you hope is asked today when she's in front of the benghazi select committee? here's what debbie said. >> debbie wrote on facebook, said who gave the orders not to send help to attempt to save the lives of these at the embassy? that is what difference it makes. >> and ray on facebook saying hillary insisted that an anti-obama youtube video caused the benghazi attack. president obama claimed at the debate with mitt romney that it was a terrorist attack. secretary clinton is lying. >> ooh that's a good one. >> and caleb says this using the facebook as the vehicle, why was our embassy understaffed? and who gave that order? my question would even be more broad than that. why has it been so difficult to get all the communications to lead us up to this day? don't you feel personally responsible for the fact that this committee has been forced to stay together and spend a lot of money for 17 months? why are we still getting e-mails