republican nominee i may have a major wager with you on that but we will see what happens. now, how about bernie sanders though. he is our kind of guy don't be a pinhead show. millionaire, billionaires. you know, i'm tired of it. >> that's gold for our upcoming show. seem to be working your bernie. >> i don't know anything about him. he looks like the least charismatic man that can draw people in the history of the earth. >> i like bernie, he has been on this program many times. i want him to go to venezuela and report back on how well that social thing works out. i think bernie and sean penn. >> you permanently like too many guys who are running us into hell. it's that simple. i guess i could go meet him and like him. i don't care about that. i want the country to do better. yeah, he is a nice guy. he would take us on a nantucket slay ride.