party. new face. now and old face. >> how did that happen? >> what? >> how did it happen? >> what do you mean? i was wrong. that's what happens when you make predictions. >> so good, guys. right? >> dana -- >> i'm next. a new study published in the journal of adolescence will want your teenager to turn off their phone. high school students, before bedtime, insomnia, poor school performance. interfering with sleep, grades definitely going down because they're texting right before bed and not getting enough sleep. maybe the best thing to do, leave the phone in the kitchen overnight. >> and charge it. >> kids, please, don't be mad at me, but that's a really good idea. >> oh, myberlykimberly. >> no fun left. oh, yeah. >> what you got? >> what? i'm eating cake. >> a big girl. >> i have a little news. i am -- i'm -- tomorrow night at zerch i'm becoming catholic.