health issue. recreate neighborhoods and strengthen families. bill: thank you governor. everybody asks trump whether he is in it for the long haul. are you. >> i'm in it for the long haul, are you kidding me? bill: thank you for your time. 62% approval if his home state. martha: yeah. bill: democrats like him to rate of 42%. he is pretty happy with those numbers, for now. martha: he said it is all about what is going on behind the scenes. pretty far behind the scenes at the moment. can he bring it forward. that is the big question for john kasich. we'll see. national league wildcard game, pirates hosting cubs. tempers flaring in 7th inning. cubs ace jake arietta, at the place. the pirates throw at him. hit two of their batters earlier. that is baseball. he is not happy about it. cubs are not either. a lot of pushing and shoving. some harsh language. umps settle everybody down.