against congressman jason chaffetz who is leading in an investigation against him. it's pretty shocking and bad stuff. >> aman be running for speaker now. that's interesting. he is also on fns this weekend. winners and loser. >> winner of the week soleimani the military chief of the iranian revolutionary guards. the guy who went to moscow illegally he after the signing ever the nuclear deal between us and the iranians who was essentially in charge of iranian forces in iraq. and in syria he is essentially the military war lord of under russian protection. quite a statement considering he is a guy who had his hand in the killing of hundreds of americans in the afghanistan and iraqi wars. the loser of the week is ashton carter, secretary of defense, who gave one of the worst press conferences in the history of the press. in fact, he was so bumbling in explaining our position on syria, he made obama today look forceful and eloquent in his press conference. >> strong letter to follow.