sosh to think he is down. i would expect not down 8. rubio moved up. jeb bush stayed the same. i think it's kind of still all about trump and whether he has leveled off which, indeed the polling and aftermath of the debate and sort of what you would think after watching him in the debate. didn't have a great night. he may indeed be leveling off now and that could be the prelude to a general slow decline. >> all right. did you hear the debate with krauthammer and me over the carson muslim thing. >> yeah, did i. >> do you think carson putting forth an opinion like that is going to hurt him? >> i think it was a political mistake. i don't know to what extent it will hurt him. the question was so utterly hypothetical and totally irrelevant to the current political cycle here. i mean, there is nobody in the race who is a muslim. there is nobody contemplating getting into the race who is a are you -- mu.