ask, though, and we're glad that you did, greg. thank you. jon: two teenage girls charged with stabbing a classmate nearly to death. what's next for the accused attackers in the slender man stabbing case? plus, a small greek island, once just a vacation destination, now overrun with refugees. how greece is handling that crisis. also we want to hear from you. carly fiorina is rising in recent polling. would you consider voting for her for president? our live chat is up and running, get your thoughts into the conversation. peptocopter! ♪ when cold cuts give your belly thunder, pink relief is the first responder, so you can be a business boy wonder! ♪ fix stomach trouble fast with pepto. or the freedom to choose what doctor you want to see. so if you have medicare parts a and b, consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company.