clinton's e-mails or tom brady's text messages? >> i think it's harder to get hillary clinton's e-mails. >> most important preparation, for a big game or a big speech some. >> make sure that there's water nearby. like right now. >> dana, here's the latest poll that just got released today. trump 27, carson moving up, 23, look down there, rubio 6%. dana, that political ad dropped on monday night, the first monday night football, you can hear the music in the background. i kind of liked it. >> i loved it. i thought it was cute. it seemed unskriptd. maybe it wasn't. i think maybe the water thing was scripted. remember after the first debate and fox debate in august, it was largely agreed, conventional wisdom, that rubio had won that debate. and so i think the fact that he's been able to at least stay in the 6s where the others are, while the front runners run ahead, i think he's in decent position going into tomorrow might. >> she's right. he's in very good position. >> he's got them just where he