guilty and haven't been charged with a prime which is why the fbi wants to see their e-mails. >> so what you're saying is they can easily go through treaties and if the privacy laws overseas allow for such a thing to happen it's fine and if they don't then it's not fine. >> well, the laws were written for a purpose and the treaties were entered into by the united states of america as a sovereign country with another sovereign country. if the justice department with the aid of federal judges is going to violate the treaties by avoiding them, then what is the value of the treaties. that's the argument from the privacy point of view. the argument from the justice department point of view, we really have to go to ireland just to get some e-mails from people who we think are drug traffickers? that's what the court will answer. >> when we will know? >> before christmas. probably around thanksgiving. about a three month lag time in a case like this. >> judge, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> i've been telling you about isis putting prisoners up for sale. just developing over the last