what else would you like for me say. >> american child of an undocumented immigrant. >> you want me to say that? i'll use the word anchor baby. >> do you reget using the term anchor baby on the radio? . >> no i don't regret it. >> you don't reget it? >> no. do you have a better term? >> i'm asking you. a lot of folks find it offensive. >> give me a better term and i'll use it. serious. don't yell behind my ear. >> is that not bombastic. >> no, it isn't. >> do you find that phrase offensive or not? >> folks today are too easily offend offended. i'm happy to use the term. >> joining me now, alan combs and video host at the blaze and executive director of the conservative hispanic society. good to see you both. chris, you are a conservative hispanic gentleman, i'll start with you. what are you thought as enwhat