for law enforcement. >> you know, i am one beat off from both of you on this. i have a different view. when i was out there in the street and talked to the police officers, right after the rioting. all the local politicians who have the obligation to improve the services, the education, fix the community, they have been getting millions and millions and millions of dollars to fix baltimore for years and years. they didn't do it. so all hell breaks loose on the street that night. and what happens is the cops are called in to protect everybody, and put the lid on it and then the cops are also told to stand down. so, you know what? the cops are now fighting among themselves. they are very frustrated and i blame totally, both the people who are looting but i also the people, the politicians who have been taking all this money and doing nothing to fix things. >> well, i don't disagree with you, greta. but the chief of police is the next in line to the rank and file in the police democratic. and you would expect that a