>> the donald is in the house. >> in 2008 when president obama went out there and said we're going close down gitmo. everybody knew it was impossible. he still hasn't done it. worked around the edges. congress blocked him. he tried to send a message to our allies, to the muslims, and tried to set the tone. i think that's what trump's doing. he's a negotiator. he's trying to set the tone. this is his first bid. when he says he's going to do this, maybe that's not his last play. maybe he's sending a message to mexico. maybe he's sending a message to the illegal aliens. maybe he's going to freeze illegal immigration by setting the tone. >> the donald is coming through you today so vividly. he's channelling the donald. what you're telling me is, i really shouldn't take anything you say seriously. >> obama said he was going to get rid of gitmo. it's been 6 1/2 years later. did he fulfill that campaign promise, juan? >> he's working at it. we have fewer people.