discussed. with china being in the condition it's in, we know how linked we are to china, when does that start to make you nervous? >> two things. one, china -- maybe they don't grow at 7%, maybe it's 6.5% concern. jenna: what if it's 2%? >> that's something we've been hearing for so long. the chinese stock market is still up 80% in the last 12 months. things are not dire over there like everybody says. jenna: dan, that's one of the arguments that we're the better off of the bunch. the question becomes when is that not good enough? you might be the better of the bunch, but you're still not doing great? >> if we rook at the cast of characters that created where we are now going back to 19 -- 2008, inflating the markets, everything was going to be contained, the subprime, and now if the chinese can manipulate their stock market, how do we know what's going on here, is number one. number two, going back to matt -- and i respect matt. jenna: you both like each oh. >> i'm not a long-only manager.