we expanded dramat dramatically the number of adoptions out of our foster care system. we did parental notification laws. we ended partial-birth abortion. we did all of this and we were the first state to do a choose life license plate. now 29 states have done it and there's a culture where more people, more babies are adopted. >> did you know? >> no. i didn't know. it doesn't matter. i was working on the board because of education. my record is clear. my record as a pro-life governor is not in dispute. i am completely pro-life and i believe we should have a culture of life that is informed by my faith from beginning to end. and i did this not just as it related to unborn babies. i did it at the end of life issues as well. this is something that goes way beyond politics. i hope one day we get to the point where we respect life in its fullest form across the board. >> senator rubio, you favor a rape and incest exception to abortion bans.