systematically targeted sub ju gated, murdered raped and sold into bondage. it is the height of hypocrisy for mrs. clinton to run for president as a champion of women's rights when her record as secretary of state is so dismal. >> reporter: never elected to office fiorina admits she isn't a member of what she calls the quote professional political class, but cites extensive foreign policy experience advising the cia, nsa and department of homeland security. >> all politicians grasp onto that that they're washington outsider. but she can make a very credible case that she is not a washington insider. and that helps her. and i think she's also a unique candidate who maybe some voters are giving a second look. >> reporter: fiorina's recent surge has caught the eye of the koch brothers who invited her to their donor summit this weekend. some big spenders are invited and could give an infusion of money into a candidate that