determination whether to indict him on other counts. >> not only will they hear the evidence that's been presented but they could very well, as you say hear more evidence and there could very well be more charges coming, greta. >> i expect more. the only way katie the only reason they have the big beefy one murder so they are sure to be able to hold him. the prosecutor didn't want to put all the cards and charges out there because they would have had to put all the evidence out there today and tip off the defense. oldest trick in the book both ways. >> that's right. the murder charge itself is a no bond hold that's why the preliminary hearing was important. they are going to start stacking the deck against darian wendt and see whether or not he is willing to roll against these other people who helped him in these murders if there were other people. >> the brother was in the box truck the night that darian wendt was arrested and there was money found in that box truck. they recovered all together, greta, $30,000 of the funds in the savopoulos murder case.