greta. >> okay. when you watched that video what do you think? >> well, no question it's terrifying to watch that and see that guy come so close to being in the jaws of a a great white shark and there is no question in my mind that that was a great white. what's really interesting is the shark actually never did bite him and didn't even bite the board. so the motivation of the shark, kind of questionable in this case. but that guy had a very close encounter of the worst kind. >> all right. now, we have had those i-attacks off the coast of the carolinas and you and i have talked before about it. >> yeah. >> is there a particular shark type that tends to be more aggressive towards humans or other or luck of the draw you say that was a great white. >> this is a completely different situation from north carolina. we were dealing with a small species of shark probably up there called the black tip shark, 6-foot long animal that eats fish. the great whites feed on large prey. and this is totally different.