i think the white house and democrats as a whole right now are happy to see trump stay in this race as long as he can because he not only forces other people in the party to respond to him every time he makes one of these comments, but you start to see this be a litmus test. everyone comes out and quickly pushes back when he makes a comment about john mccain and his military service. when he made comments about mexicans and immigrants, you saw a mixed reaction. they think that this is harmful to whoever the eventual nominee is and certainly republicans feel the quicker he gets out of the race, the better for the party. >> you know, brit, whether or not trump survives, his success -- in the latest fox poll he was in first place. i understand it's early on. doesn't that show that there is in -- this is what michael was saying. a big chunk of the republican voters who are fed up if not specifically with issues he's been talking about but fed up with politics as usual. >> the question is how big a chunk and how many willing to back a candidate like donald

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