obama's, michelle obama isn't an athlete and is known for beautiful arms. >> let me just in the brief time we have left. you're not shy of posting pictures of yourself on instagram in a sports bra or bikini. do you think the media is too hung up on how much skin female athletes or celebrities or journalists show? >> i don't know if it's the media or if it's people the right wing who get so upset about how much a woman shows. at the end of the day sex sells. different body styles for different people and, you know i think women are beautiful. we should embrace our curves and the more curves the merrier. >> tamara holder embracing her curves. thanks so much for swatting it around with us today. >> thank you. >> still to come your top tweets. my take on why the media are now savaging donald trump and gawker does something extremely rare, spiking a sex story after an outcry. at ally bank no branches equals great