would require city to cooperate that would have required the city of san francisco to report on this individual open she said amen thank you. the next day she issued a statement retracting that because she was cut off at the knees by the obama administration. of course they don't support -- >> but i've seen on this program over and over again, mark, advocating for state's rights and state's rights and the separation between the federal government and the state government. immigration law and reyags of immigration law lies squarely with the federal government. and this congress has failed to act even though this president asked them over and over and over again to do something. congress has taken sticks broke, them and put them in their ears. >> i got to go. got to leave it at that. your next guest says if she was president he would cut off funding to any city in america. joining me now, mike huckabee. go to see you. there's no doj investigation,