and -- nobody is going to be left to bail us out. we have to get our own house in order. we have massive debt. this president celted a new entitlement program and we can't afford the ones we have. that makes no sense. greece is look littling at europe, puerto rico is looking everywhere. we're the last hope for the free world. let's grow our own private sector economy. let's stop mortgaging our children's and grandchildren's futures. >> all right governor, thank you very much. bobby jindal. now we'll hear from the president of the united states, meeting with top generals at the pentagon. our top command and brass on how to deal with isis. very unusual for him to go to the pentagon. now the president. >> good afternoon everybody. i hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend especially our men and women in uniform. this fourth of july we were honored to once again welcome our incredible troops and their families to share fourth of july and fireworks at the white house. another chance for us on behalf of the american people to express our gratitude for their

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Order ,Greece ,Debt ,Nobody ,United States ,Sense ,House ,Celted ,Entitlement Program ,Ones ,Look Littling ,President ,World ,Governor ,Economy ,Hope ,Everywhere ,Bobby Jindal ,Sector ,Puerto Rico ,Futures ,Children ,Grandchildren ,European ,We Isis ,Everyone ,Meeting ,Everybody ,Pentagon ,Top Command ,Generals ,Brass ,Holiday ,People ,Troops ,Chance ,White House ,Fireworks ,Families ,Behalf ,Gratitude ,Fourth Of July ,Men And Women In Uniform ,

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