different species and they are there to pup, they are breeding. this is the nursery site. it's also feeding time many we're getting great migrations of sea turtles in. you have coastal birds hatching out. all this flurry of food activity makes it a hot shark zone. >> is there a step you can take? how do you not look like a sea turtle to the shark? are there certain bathing suits that are more provocative, jewelry? >> you want to go to those shell free beaches, which are a little bit of controversial. one thing you can do is not wear a lot of glittering jewelry, not to say that a shark is going to attack you, but things that resemble a fish scale may get a predatory fish's attention. you want to be careful when you are in the water, what time you are in the water, and certainly if there's a lot of shark activity, if you are being in a place where there's been a