that? dud he have that authority? >> i hope that he uses it and exercises it. i would think that congress, if it was able to do so, would issue that kind of a subpoena. bill: we will ask him. >> if not they need to go to court. bill: marc thiessen there live in washington, good to have you back here. martha? martha: did you see this over the weekend? an explosion after the liftoff. >> vehicle on course, on track and would appear to have had a launch vehicle failure. martha: wow. that was a rocket bringing supplies to the international space station. it blew up just minutes after launch. is the space station at risk? bill: it's amazing to watch. two more shark attacks. six attacks in two weeks near the same beach. what's going on out there? we'll take you there. >> his calf looked all bandages up and he had a bloody towel around his waist. it's scary it's sad.