that's according to a brand new government study. researchers say some veterans of wars in iraq and afghanistan are showing signs of early aging. after being near road zoos bomb blasts. signs 'tises say it includes vets who did not feel anything from the explosions. the defense department says doctors have diagnosed hundreds of thousands of troops with traumatic brain injury over the last half decade or so. or decade and a half, really. nearly 25,000 just last year. in the year 2000 the number was closer to 11,000. lea gabrielle is in the new york city newsroom. you spoke with two of awe theirs of the study. >> the study look told wiring of the brain the white matter. and they said that wiring normally gets leaky with age. this new study found that so-called leakiness is happening at an earlier age in people who are exposed to blasts in afghanistan and iraq, even if they weren't close to the explosion. in other words it's as if they're brians are aging at a