cooper autographed it, and we're going to auction that off and try to raise money for the vets. just earlier this month we had the chris kyle memorial benefit and were able to raise money for guardian for heroes foundation. we raised, you know, $400,000, which was amazing for us. >> wow. >> xso just one more thing we cn do to try to reach out and help our brothers and sisters. >> where do we find out about the guardians for heroes foundation, and to bid on this? >> the charity's auction is actually on charity buzz. >> okay. gotcha. we'll follow that. hey, jeff, always great to see you. thanks for your service. jeff kyle, as well as major general john furlough, thank you. >> thank you very much. ten minutes before the bottom of the hour. high school student wanted to start a pro-life club on campus, denied. why? people who don't share that same view might feel, well, left out. and move that trailer!